
How to Train your Dog to Crate?
Sometimes the owner is forced to restrict the freedom of his dog, for example, if she chews things or steals food from the table. To avoid these and even more fatal problems, the owners have to leave the dog in the cage. And here it is very important to form a positive association with her in the pet and, of course, to provide comfortable and safe maintenance. Below we will discuss how to do this, how to train your dog to crate, and when you need it at all.

TOP 5 Smart Toys for Dogs
Many owners of active and curious dogs are familiar with what a bored dog is, which begins to demand a lot of attention to itself, and if it does not receive it, it becomes annoying and even harmful. "More toys!" - you may say, but alas, this does not help in the case of dogs who do not want to play themselves. Such dogs quickly get bored with any ordinary toy. But there is a solution! In this article, we have collected the TOP 5 smart toys that will interest any curious and super active dog!

Can You Give Bones to Dogs?
All dogs, without exception, love to gnaw bones, and the owners are happy to buy these inexpensive meat production waste for their pets. But can dogs be given bones, will they not harm the health of animals? We will try to answer this question in today's article.

How to Make Anti-Stress Wrap for a Dog Yourself?
Strangers, thunderclaps, explosions of fireworks, thunder of garbage trucks, trips to the vet and meeting other animals can all cause fear, anxiety or increased excitability in your pet.
In such cases, a special anti-stress vest can come to the rescue, which is worn on the dog's torso so that it exerts some pressure on its body in anxious moments. The dog interprets the pressure of the vest in the same way as the infant interprets swaddling. This has a calming effect on some dogs.

13 Best Dogs For First-Time Owners!
Many owners dream of cute and unpretentious dogs in everyday life, with whom you can easily get along even in a very small apartment. But before you get a pet, you should understand the characteristics of the breeds and see if you can fully take care of it.

8 Signs your Dog is Stressed
Poor appetite or attempts to eat inedible items, behavioral changes, deterioration in appearance, unpredictability of actions, tremors, insomnia, diarrhea, frequent urination ... These can all be signs of stress in the dog. There are many stressful situations in a dog's life. It can be trips, moving to a new house, overexposure in a zoological hotel or with relatives of the owners, visiting a veterinary clinic and groomer, the appearance of a new pet or loneliness, noise in the apartment and on the street. It is impossible to neglect the signals of the dog's discomfort, otherwise prolonged stress can seriously harm the pet.

How to Get your Dog to Gain a Healthy Weight?
For any member of the dog, it is important to keep track of its normal weight. Even a healthy dog may be underweight or overweight, but disorders caused by illness or injury are of particular concern. After being properly screened by a veterinarian to prevent health problems, most can be helped to gain weight by making changes in the diet and life of their dogs.

How to Cut Your Dog's Nails at Home?
Dogs don't like to cut their claws. This procedure does not give pleasure to anyone, but you cannot do without it. Running claws give the dog considerable inconvenience, and sometimes pain. It is necessary to cut and do it regularly.
In this article, we'll tell you how to trim your dog's nails at home, and when to see a doctor.
You may also check the DogRook nail clipper for perfect grooming care at home.
Why Cut Your Claws
Domestic dogs spend most of their lives on soft sofas and slippery parquet floors. Claws do not grind and grow faster than animals in the wild. If they are not cut, it will be uncomfortable for the dog to “collect” the paw, and it will hurt to walk. A triggered claw can grow into the skin, and inflammation begins.
How to Train Your Dog
Cutting the claws is not difficult, it is difficult to convince the dog to behave calmly. Then the whole procedure will take a couple of minutes, and no one will be hurt. To train your dog to sit quietly, give it a habit. Start with one claw a day. Click! And the dog did not even have time to be alert. Praise your dog and set the nippers aside until the next evening. Gradually, the dog will get used to it, and you will be able to cut two or three claws at a time, and then on all paws at once.
The sooner you start teaching your puppy to trim the claws, the calmer he will tolerate it in adulthood.
How to Cut a Dog's Claws
First, let's take a look at how the claw works from the inside. This is not just a dead part, there is a blood vessel inside. If you touch it, the dog will be hurt, bleeding will begin.
The blood vessel looks like a pink tube inside the claw. If the claws are light, it will be clearly visible. If the claw is black, you will have to cut it off in small pieces and rely on experience.
Take the dog's paw in your hand. Hold firmly, but not rigidly so that the dog does not feel threatened. Grab the tip of the claw with a pair of nippers and cut it off with one press. If the dog is not nervous, move on to the next claw. If the dog does not allow to cut its claws and starts to pull out, do not hold it by force. Calm the dog down first, then return to the procedure. Set aside your haircut for an hour or a day. One claw a day is fast and won't make your dog nervous. Gradually, the dog will get used to it and will trust you.
In case you have touched a vessel and blood begins to flow, it would be good to have a styptic on hand. For example, styptic powder.
How Often to Cut a Dog's Nails
The frequency of cutting is directly related to the activity of the dog and the surface on which he walks. If the dog walks exclusively on hardwood, the nails will grow back quickly. Often it is in the home decorative breeds that the most neglected claws can be seen. If the dog is actively running on lawns, gravel and asphalt, the nails will grind evenly and constantly. It will be possible to cut claws much less often.
The main thing is regularity. A blood vessel passes inside the claw, which lengthens with the claw. The longer you do not cut, the longer the vessel will grow. Therefore, a short claw cut will no longer work. That is why it is so important to cut the claws constantly so that the vessel does not have time to grow.
What to Cut
Special claws are used to trim the claws. There are several types of them. At a pet store or veterinary clinic, choose the one that is more convenient for you. The most important thing is that the nail clipper fits the size of the dog, and is made of high quality materials and has a sharp edge.
Never use clippers or nail clippers to trim your nails. They not only delaminate the claw, but can also injure the dog.
What to Cut Besides Claws
Since the dog has entrusted you with its paws, take the opportunity and trim everything you can. In addition to the claws themselves, it is also necessary to regularly cut the hair between the fingers and pillows. This should be done no less carefully. Take a regular pair of scissors and press lightly on the pillow to spread your fingers. Gently trim long hair without touching the toes or pillows. This procedure is especially important in winter, when snow freezes on the fur between the toes and gives the dog very unpleasant sensations.
Step-By-Step Instructions for Clipping Nails
Step 1 Choose the right time. Most dogs do not like having their nails cut, so it is important for this procedure to choose a time when the dog is relaxed. If your dog wants to play, it is best to wait until he has calmed down before starting to train him to touch his hands to his paws.
Step 2 Let your dog get used to the fact that you touch his paws. Begin to gently touch the dog's paws. If she does not pull them up and does not offer resistance, proceed to massage the paws with light pressure on the claws. Depending on the dog's specific age and temperament, you may need several of these treatments before the animal gets used to your touch. Repeat these steps several times a day, until the dog stops paying attention to the fact that you are touching his paws.
Step 3 Use nail clippers specifically designed for dogs. Human nail clippers are designed to work with flat material, while dogs' claws are curved, tubular. The use of a human tool can crush the dog's claw, causing pain and injury to the animal. There are several types of clippers for dogs, but the most common are guillotine clippers and scissor clippers. Which claws to use is a matter of personal preference.
Step 4 Pay attention to the live part of the claw. The living part of the claw contains nerve endings and a blood vessel. Her injury causes the dog significant pain and bleeding. Ideally, you should trim the claw 2-4 mm before the live part.
If the dog has white claws, then the living part of the claw looks like an area translucent pink.
If the dog has dark claws, the living part of the claw will not be visible. In this case, carefully trim the claws slightly so as not to injure them. You may first want your vet or groomer to show you how to trim your pet's nails.
If you allow the dog's claws to grow too much, then the living part will grow with them. But clipping the claws regularly causes the living part to gradually recede back to normal length.
Step 5 First, trim the nails on the hind legs. The nails on the hind feet are usually shorter and easier to cut. Also, dogs are somewhat more relaxed about cutting the claws on their hind legs than on the front ones. Therefore, start the procedure with the hind legs, and then move on to the front legs.
Step 6 Praise your dog regularly while trimming the nails. Generous praise, and, if desired, a little treat is a great incentive for the pet to behave calmly. Praise him throughout the clipping procedure and give him a treat after finishing each claw.
We hope the article was helpful. Good luck!
Take care of yourself and your pets!With love to your dogs, DogRook!

Good And Bad Dog Games
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How to Choose a Harness and a Seat Belt for your Dog?
The main condition for transporting animals in a car is compliance with safety rules. Therefore, a dog belt is a must-have item that every owner traveling with a pet in a car should have. To ensure reliable protection, you should select the right product to ensure the safety of your pet in the vehicle.
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