
How To Take Care of Your Dog?
We are sure you love your pet very much and try to take good care of him. Let's take a look together, have you missed anything? Caring for a dog consists of several factors.

How To Train Your Dog for a Car: 7 Steps
All of the following should not be done in one go. Each next stage is performed only after the previous one has been consolidated. This may take several days.
Step 1: First, let your dog smell the car, get used to its sight and smell...

How To Brush Your Dog Correctly?
The method of brushing depends on the dog's coat type and whether or not it is experiencing seasonal shedding. If the long coat can be combed every day, and the short coat can also be cleaned daily with a massage mitten, then a thorough combing, affecting the undercoat, is done no more than twice a week.

Clipping a Dog's Claws
The overwhelming majority of urban tetrapods spend only a short time on the street. Most of the day they live in apartments or houses, where slippery parquet or soft carpet does not allow the nail plate to grind down to its natural state. Because of this, it grows back regularly, and problems arise.

How to Teach a Dog to Give a Paw
As a rule, when teaching the command "Give a paw!" two main methods are used: motivation with a treat and training without a treat (mechanical). The third, using the example of another four-legged, is additional, but works no worse than the first two.

Tips on How to Make Two Dogs Become Friends
In life, situations are not uncommon when a pet lives in the house, and a second one is taken to it. The most important task of the owner in such a situation is not to destroy the happiness of his first pet and to make the stay of the “newcomer” as comfortable as that of the “older” pet.

Edible Toys for Dogs
Both the tiny Chihuahua and the huge Caucasian Shepherd Dog are predators. Of course, the domestic dog does not need to hunt in order to get food for itself: the owner will take care of its food. The dog is full, happy, cheerful - and wants to play with the prey. Especially the puppy. This is where the end of shoes that are not put in the closet in time, a tie thrown on a chair, or soft toys in the dog's access zone comes to an end.

Most Popular Dog Gadgets
In the modern world, new technologies are developing at a frantic pace. And today they are available not only for people, but also for pets. What gadgets will your dog appreciate?

How to Calm Your Dog During a Thunderstorm?
The fear of a thunderstorm is normal for a dog, as is the fear of loud noises. That is because a person can understand the cause of a loud sound and its consequences, but a dog cannot.

Overweight Dog: Causes of Obesity in Dogs, Treatment and Prevention
Generally speaking, the main cause of dog obesity is the discrepancy between food intake and dog's activity. If the dog for some reason began to move a little, and the volume of food intake has not changed in any way, then in this situation the accumulation of excess adipose tissue is inevitable.
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