How to Stop a Dog from Barking: 4 Tricks for all Breeds
Barking is a natural way of communication for four-legged friends, familiar to the ear of dog lovers. The problem with this style of communication appears only when it starts to annoy due to the duration and lack of reason. In this case, the owner has to look for several ways at once, since it is not always easy to wean a dog from barking.
Weaning Methods
Try not to be manipulated. If the dog barks when you are alone in the restroom, calmly finish your business, not letting him go with you. Soon, the animal will understand that such tricks do not work, and will give up.
Do not try to calm your pet, mimic it, or treat it to something tasty. Remember that this response is seen as a reward, which means that unwanted behavior rewarded with attention will continue indefinitely. Approach the animal only when it is completely calm.
This technique is not applicable only to the security function, when the pet is trying to warn of danger and protect his human family. In this case, inhibit commands will do.
Switching Attention
The attention switching technique works just as well as other methods. A distracted pet quickly forgets what prompted him to voice. Try to puzzle your pet with the following actions:
- Nudge the dog slightly as if inviting to play.
- Spray water on its face with a spray bottle.
- Massage or gently grab its ears.
- Clap your hands loudly.
- Squeak with a ball or other toy in the next room.
Treat the animal with something tasty right after the barking stops. This reward will reinforce the desired behavior.
Bark Collars

You may also try different devices from barking for dogs as bark collars. There are a lot of different variants of bark collars, such as shock collar or pet safe, for large or small dogs. We recommend you to use the humane barking collar. It is a great way to teach your pet from non-stop barking in a tolerant and safe way. The no shock bark collar works by distracting dog with sounds and different levels of vibration. The strap is very adjustable, so the bark collar can be used on small, medium and large dog breeds. It is made of high-quality materials, the bark collar is light and your dog won't feel any discomfort. It is easy to use and in 96% cases helps decrease dog’s barking.
Teaching Commands
All commands used in animal training are one word for ease of understanding. Inexperienced owners try to interrupt the barking with "Stop it" and "No". In fact, these inhibit commands are used for completely different purposes and are not suitable for the situation in question.
To get started, work out the voice feed on your signal. For this purpose, use the "Bark" command. Say it when the dog starts barking. After a few minutes, gently squeeze your mouth with your palms and say "Quiet" or “Shhh”. If the trick is successful, then be sure to praise the pet and treat it to a treat. Repeat this sequence regularly until you achieve results without further manipulating the mouth and offering treats.
If a loud-voiced pet is trying to protect you from a potential threat, do not stop such actions. Call the dog closer, praise him for his vigilance, give him a treat, and command "Place" or "Sit." The animal will understand what was heard, but not ignored. Noticing the calmness of the owner, it will soon calm down by itself.
The commands are universal. They are also convenient for switching attention. If your pet is in a noisy or unfamiliar company, command him "Come" or "Paw." After successfully completing the commands, praise the troublemaker in unison. He will understand that your friends are not dangerous and even admire his skills.
Gradual Loneliness Training
It is impossible to completely eliminate the hours of loneliness. Most owners work outside the home, so they will have to train their pet to be alone. Use the following tricks to get used to being alone:
- Purchase more toys to keep your pet busy during the separation.
- Before leaving for work, try to exhaust the animal with a walk to drive it to sleep.
- Avoid contact before leaving. Don't talk or try to feel sorry for the dog. Leave quietly and calmly, as if you are not going to work, but to the bathroom.
- As soon as you return, try to ignore the joyous serenade. Pat the animal lightly on the head, but do not talk to it until it calms down.
Wish you good luck with your learning!
With love to your dogs, DogRook!