
Toilet Training: 7 steps to Achieve the Desired Result

,August 30, 2021
Toilet Training: 7 steps to Achieve the Desired Result

Toilet training is one of the most important and, no doubt, difficult aspects of living with a four-legged friend. In this material, we will tell you how to organize a toilet and how to most clearly explain to a pet, use it for its intended purpose.

When Is The Best Time To Train Your Dog?

With this aspect of the dog's life, everything is quite simple: the sooner you tell the pet where he should do his "business", the faster he will get used to the established rules. Accordingly, the situation with puppies is as simple as possible, and it is much more difficult with adult dogs (recall that an adult dog can be considered from 12 months), since it is extremely difficult to change the established habits of animals, but with due persistence it is still possible.

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First Steps When a Pet Appears in the House

As soon as a new four-legged tenant has appeared in your house, you need to immediately, without delay, begin training the dog to the toilet. In this case, it is not enough to put the tray/ The preparation includes a whole series of activities:

  • Observation - a dog, even small and still silly, when choosing a place for a toilet, is guided by certain rules and instincts. For a start, it is better to use them to your advantage and "follow the lead" by organizing a toilet in the place that, for some reason, attracted the dog.
  • "Clearing" the Territory - for the first time it is best to remove all carpets and paths, since small puppies most often choose them as a latrine. If the dog has chosen a bathroom for its needs, provide it with free access.
  • Placement of Toilets - it is quite possible that the puppy will choose not one, but several places at once. One of the most effective methods of training is installing multiple trays. This is necessary because a little fidget does not always have time to reach the tray, which is why it begins to attach itself to the corner closest to the place of play or sleep. In the future, as the animal grows, the number of trays can be reduced to 1 or 2. The second will play the role of a spare one, since many adult dog simply do not want to go to a dirty, uncleaned toilet and choose a new place during a long absence of the owners.

    How To Train Your Dog: 7 General Principles

    In order to make the process of toilet training as easy and effective as possible, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with a number of principles common to all types of toilets:

    1. Most important: be patient. What is clear to you at a glance, for a dog and, moreover, a puppy, can be accompanied by a huge number of difficulties and fears. Be prepared that the result will not be achieved the first time.
    2. Do not use force. A strict word when detecting a "violation of order" will be enough. Dogs easily catch the emotions of their owner and understand that they are to blame.
    3. Try as soon as possible to learn to identify what the puppy wants to use the toilet. He usually gets fussy and looks for a dark, secluded corner. As soon as you find the signs, carry it to the designated place and wait until all the "deeds" are successfully completed.
    4. To make things easier, pay special attention to the periods after sleep, food and activity - this is when the dog usually wants to go to the toilet.
    5. In the process of training, do not forget to reward your pet after each correct trip to the toilet. And do this even if you yourself brought it to the diaper or to the tray.
    6. In the case of household residents, you can use a simple trick based on natural instincts. For the first time, you can limit the puppy's access to one room or even just a few meters - a special dog enclosure or materials at hand will come in handy. Inside the fenced off space, you need to place a bowl, tray or diaper and a place to sleep. Dogs do not go to the toilet where they eat and sleep, so the puppy will have no choice but to go to the designated area.
    7. Also, in order to show where it needs to do its  "business", on the diaper or in the tray, you can put a rag with which you have already removed the puddles. The smell will help the dog to navigate and remember the place.

    This concludes the general recommendations for training a dog to the toilet, but they should be enough for this difficult task to succeed.

    With love to your dogs, DogRook!